Control strategy to limit duty cycle impact of earthquakes on the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors

Published in Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2018

Recommended citation: Biscans, S, J Warner, R Mittleman, C Buchanan, M Coughlin, M Evans, H Gabbard, et al. “Control Strategy to Limit Duty Cycle Impact of Earthquakes on the LIGO Gravitational-Wave Detectors.” Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, no. 5 (2018): 055004.

Advanced gravitational-wave detectors such as the laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatories (LIGO) require an unprecedented level of isolation from the ground. When in operation, they measure motion of less than 10−19 m. Strong teleseismic events like earthquakes disrupt the proper functioning of the detectors, and result in a loss of data. An earthquake early-warning system, as well as a prediction model, have been developed to understand the impact of earthquakes on LIGO. This paper describes a control strategy to use this early-warning system to reduce the LIGO downtime by  ~30%. It also presents a plan to implement this new earthquake configuration in the LIGO automation system.

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Recommended citation: ‘Biscans, S, J Warner, R Mittleman, C Buchanan, M Coughlin, M Evans, H Gabbard, et al. “Control Strategy to Limit Duty Cycle Impact of Earthquakes on the LIGO Gravitational-Wave Detectors.” Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, no. 5 (2018): 055004.’