A low-latency Glitch Classification Algorithm Based in Waveform Morphology for Advanced LIGO


The Virgo and LIGO detectors aim at detecting gravitational wave (GW) signals produced by astrophysical sources. The burst group, in which the LAL group is involved, is looking for poorly-modeled and short-duration signals. To achieve this, members of the LAL group built search pipelines which are sensitive as well as robust against a large variety of detector glitches. The main obstacle to a GW burst detection is the data quality which is polluted by a great amount of detector glitch noise which mimics genuine burst signals. The LAL group is currently developing new tools to understand and characterize the detector’s glitch noise with a low latency. Mr. Gabbard helped characterize and improve one of these new tools (Omicron event trigger generator). Additionally, he helped to integrate this newly acquired information directly in burst search pipelines. He also assisted in Integrating these developments into an online-based analysis architecture and contributed to the development of new improvement ideas.